Need support for this...
Dear Friends,
The PA Update is a bi-monthly newsletter published by Kalpavriksh that carries news and information on wildlife and protected areas from around the country. It is a matter of great satisfaction for the team at the Protected Area Update and at Kalpavriksh that the newsletter will be soon hitting the century mar...k. In it's 17 year of uninterrupted publication the PA Update's 100th issue will be published in a few months time. We would like to thank all our supporters, well wishers and readers and hope that we will continue for another 100 issues as well if not more.
There is surely great scope for improvement in what the newsletter covers, how it is produced and how we reach out to an interested and relevant readership. As one effort at increasing the readership particularly amongst the forest and wildlife staff, those at the very frontlines of conservation effort, we are launching this 'PA Updates for a 1000 forest staff' initiative.
It has been prompted by feedback to us that often field staff often do not know what is happening in the policy arena, in other parts of the country and often even in their own backyard.
We have set ourselves a target of being able to raise enough resources in six months time so that the 100th issue of the PA Update will go out to a set of 1000 forest staff with your support. We would like to request and encourage you to subscribe to the PA Update on behalf of forest staff - the more you can support the better. You tell us which particular state, region, protected area or particular individual or office in the forest staff you would like to reach out to and we will use your gift subscription to send the PA Update to that person or set of persons for a period of one year.
As we have mentioned in recent mails the annual subscription for the PA Update is Rs. 150, but for this campaign the annual subscription will be only Rs. 100/-. You can support 100 such subscriptions or you can support even one!
We are sure you will agree that this is a campaign worth undertaking and that we will also get your support and contributions for this. If you need any more information or details, please certainly let me know. Please also circulate this widely on other networks that you might be part of and any other suggestions or ideas of how to make this successful are very welcome indeed.
Thanking you
Pankaj Sekhsaria
Editor, Protected Area Update
C/o Kalpavriksh
Dear Friends,
The PA Update is a bi-monthly newsletter published by Kalpavriksh that carries news and information on wildlife and protected areas from around the country. It is a matter of great satisfaction for the team at the Protected Area Update and at Kalpavriksh that the newsletter will be soon hitting the century mar...k. In it's 17 year of uninterrupted publication the PA Update's 100th issue will be published in a few months time. We would like to thank all our supporters, well wishers and readers and hope that we will continue for another 100 issues as well if not more.
There is surely great scope for improvement in what the newsletter covers, how it is produced and how we reach out to an interested and relevant readership. As one effort at increasing the readership particularly amongst the forest and wildlife staff, those at the very frontlines of conservation effort, we are launching this 'PA Updates for a 1000 forest staff' initiative.
It has been prompted by feedback to us that often field staff often do not know what is happening in the policy arena, in other parts of the country and often even in their own backyard.
We have set ourselves a target of being able to raise enough resources in six months time so that the 100th issue of the PA Update will go out to a set of 1000 forest staff with your support. We would like to request and encourage you to subscribe to the PA Update on behalf of forest staff - the more you can support the better. You tell us which particular state, region, protected area or particular individual or office in the forest staff you would like to reach out to and we will use your gift subscription to send the PA Update to that person or set of persons for a period of one year.
As we have mentioned in recent mails the annual subscription for the PA Update is Rs. 150, but for this campaign the annual subscription will be only Rs. 100/-. You can support 100 such subscriptions or you can support even one!
We are sure you will agree that this is a campaign worth undertaking and that we will also get your support and contributions for this. If you need any more information or details, please certainly let me know. Please also circulate this widely on other networks that you might be part of and any other suggestions or ideas of how to make this successful are very welcome indeed.
Thanking you
Pankaj Sekhsaria
Editor, Protected Area Update
C/o Kalpavriksh